Rhiannon Davies
Sebastiaan Ambtman
Emma Davies – Ambtman (11)
Macsen Davies – Ambtman (9)
We are a Dutch/Canadian family sailing on a Boreal 44 aluminium sailboat named ‘Dutch’.
Sailing experience Emma & Macsen
Emma was born in June 2006 in Amsterdam. She sailed more than 1,000 nautical miles on the Pjotter, our previous boat, before her second birthday. She has sailed a lot since then and has now, at the age of 12, accumulated over 40,000 nautical miles in her logbook.
Emma on board the Pjotter sailing to ‘Vlieland’
Macsen was born in June 2008 in Amsterdam. He sailed on the Pjotter when he was 10 days old and spent his first night on the boat when he was 3 weeks old. Macsen completed his first Atlantic crossing when he was one year old.
Macsen’s maiden voyage in 2008
Sailing experience Rhiannon & Sebastiaan
Rhiannon and Sebastiaan have both been sailing for most of their lives. They are highly experienced offshore sailors who have spent 3.5 years sailing full time on two voyages. They have crossed the Atlantic Ocean one three occasions without any additional crew and accumulated over 45,000nm at sea. In addition to their practical experience they have both accumulated various water sport related training and certifications.
– 2000 – 2005: chartered various sailboats in Norway, Croatia and the Bahamas
– 2005: Sailed from St. Andrews, Canada to Newport, Rhode Island, USA
– 2006 – 2008: sailing our 37’ sailboat around the Netherlands for 2 seasons (appr. 2,500nm)
– 2009 – 2011: 25,000nm on a 37’ sailboat (Breehorn 37) sailing from the Netherlands to West Africa, South America, Caribbean, US and Canada, Northern Iceland and Faroes. Including two Atlantic crossings (one high latitude)
– 2017-2018: 15,000nm on a 44’ sailboat (Boreal 44) sailing from the Netherlands to Halifax via West Africa, South America, Caribbean, US including an Atlantic crossing and summer trip to Northern Labrador.
Training and certification Rhiannon
– 2005: Coastal Navigation certificate and VHF
– 2009: Sea survival training
– 2009: NIMOS Meteorology- and routing
– 2012: RYA Yachtmaster Offshore
Training and certification Sebastiaan
– 2005: Coastal Navigation certificate and VHF
– 2009: MARCOM-A
– 2009: Sea survival training
– 2009: NIMOS Meteorology – and routing
– 2012: Master Coastal Commercial Sailing Vessels diploma from Enkhuizen School of Seamanship
– 2012: Basic Safety training STCW
– 2012: Medical training – L (limited) (GMDSS sea area A1 and A2)
Sailing yacht ‘Dutch’
Mobile: +902 880 8497 (Seb)
Email: ambtman@gmail.com
Skype: sebastiaanambtman
MMSI: 244060070
Call sign: PC6657