Between Mugford Bay and Makkovik we stopped in two amazing anchorages Wyatt Harbour and Shoal Tickle.
In Makkovik we tied up to the public dock attached to the local fishing plant. Those plants in Labrador that are still open are generally processing crab at this time and a few large, colourful boats were tied up to the adjacent dock. Emma has a very strong dislike for fish (we are working on this) and the smell emanating from the plant and surrounding area was enough to turn off even the greatest fish lover. That said, the fish plant offered wi-fi and her love for wi-fi prevailed over her dislike of fish so she moved in close.
The rest of the family does not share Emma’s taste in fish and we were absolutely delighted when a large black bag containing five huge king crabs was left on the deck of our boat. To this day we do not know who made this wonderful donation, but extremely grateful we were. Seb cooked them up and spent the better part of the afternoon gathering crab meat alternating one bite for the bowl and one bite for the man.
We had been given a dried Atlantic char in Hopedale and Macsen was determined to catch a fresh one. He spent much of each day again hanging with the locals with his fishing rod hanging in the water. After catching (and throwing back) a few sculpin and conners his eyes gleamed as he pulled up a medium-sized leopard spotted fish with a little beard. “Is this a char?” he called.
“Nope, that’s a cod.” Wow, his first cod!
With some trepidation and only a small complaint of disgust Macsen cleaned the fish and with great pride fried it up in butter, salt and pepper and served it to his eagerly waiting parents (and himself). Yummy!