We have now passed the half-way point! And we had our first flying fish on board. Macsen found it very interesting but Emma was a little disgusted. Unfortunately, it had been dead for some hours and we did not dare to eat it. We have seen masses of still living flying fish in the water and hope to catch one of the tuna that are chasing them. We did not manage to have an official school day today but we did assemble a very complicated human skeleton (cardboard) including vital organs and learned a bit about anatomy. His name is Gerard. All well on board.
Date: November 15, 2017
Time 13:00 UTC
Position 19’10.933N / 18’41.184W
COG/SOG: 174 degrees /6.2kn
Trip distance: 563nm
Distance to go: 403nm
24h distance 130nm
Conditions: sunny with some clouds, wind NNE 15-17kn, sea moderate Sails: full main and genoa
Tracy Gowen 15/11/2017
Hello SY Dutch. Glad to hear you are travelling well. We are in preparation mode for our ARC crossing which leaves on Sunday. Good sailing for the rest of your crossing.
Raftkin ⛵️🇦🇺
Sabrina 16/11/2017
What an adventure!! Love reading your updates. So many fun memories